🃏 CardFoldr

CardFoldr is a tool to help you convert a PDF of card grids (say, 3x3 cards per page, several pages of fronts and one page of backs) into a gutterfold PDF: card fronts and backs on the same page, with a foldline down the middle for easy double sided alignment.

The tool is designed to work with cards that are 9 to a page, but can be adjusted to work with other configurations.

CardFoldr runs completely in your browser, nothing is uploaded to a server. You can also download and host it yourself if you prefer. The source code is available on GitHub.

Step 1: Select source PDF(s)

Select a PDF file with the cards you want to convert. The cards should be in the correct order and orientation. If you have a separate file with the card backs, you can select it as the background file.

Card backs (optional) Remove Background

Step 2: Create Grid

Define the grid for the cards. The grid will be drawn on the cards in red to help you move it to the correct point. You can also define a cut margin which will be shown in blue.

Card grid definition
x cards
x mm
x mm
Distance from the top left of the page to the top left of the first card
x mm
Distance between individual cards in horizontal and vertical direction
Distance from the edge of the card to the cut line
Step size for the above
Selected pages
Comma separated list of pages or ranges of all included pages
Comma separated list of pages or ranges of all included pages from the background file
Viewer options

Once you've loaded a PDF file, it will be shown here

Step 3: Extract Cards

Comma separated list of cards or ranges of all included cards
Use this if the backs are otherwise upside down

You can toggle whether to include cards in the final PDF by clicking on them.

Once you've extraced the cards, they will be shown here, front marked blue, backs marked red

Step 4: Generate PDF

PDF settings
Layout settings
Direction of the fold line, "Auto" will optimize for cards per page
Which edge of the cards to orient towards the foldline
Distance between individual cards
Distance from the fold line to the edge of the card
Allowing multiple rows will possibly allow more cards per page
Card settings
Corner radius to apply to the rendered card images
Add an additional bleed border around the cuts of the card
Add an additional margin around the border of the finished card
Background color for card fronts
Background color for card backs
x mm
Size of the cards in the final PDF
If your cutter has an offset from the ruler it can be visualized on the cut marks

Result: Generated PDF

Once you've generated the PDF, it will be shown here